Shesh Village, famous for its wine

  • Shesh Village is situated 9 km far from Tirana in the west side of the city, close to Ndroq. The village is about 460 m above the sea level. The name of this village is very important, because it is linked with the most popular variety of grape called Sheshi Bardhe and Sheshi i Zi. Both these varieties are used to produce very good Albanian wine. The origin of Shesh vineyard is from this village and the residents of this village are proud of this. The wine produced by this variety is with high quality. There are many facts and books that shows that the residents of this village traded their wine and olive oil with Italy since V century BC.. The documents show some facts about this in the book the Grapes of Shesh, with author Baki Dervishi.

    But this village is not only known for the grapes but also for a beautiful panorama. If you are in this village you can see from the top a huge space of Durres and Tirana, even of Kruja. Shesh Village is in the border between Tirana and Durres city. This year in September, there will be organized for the first time The Wine Festival, which is a winning project of Local Festivals, financed by Risi Albania. Can’t wait to see many tourists flocking to this village and to know its history.

    9 km from the center of Tirana

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